Friday, May 31, 2013

Cicada Memories

If you're in the part of America currently celebrating the return of the cicada, you may want to listen back to Cliff and Kendall's classic cicada episode!

Click HERE to listen to "Episode 187 - Cicadas in the Rye"

We hosted the 'Cicadas in the Rye Festival' in Busheltown two years ago. The episode features Mrs. Potterbutter Butterchurn (that year's Queen of the Rye), Bad Jokes, Dear Cliff and Kendall, and Would U Rather?  It also features 1,000's of cicadas!

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Explaining "Game of Thrones"

For the layman who doesn't know his Little Finger from his Khaleesi, the large number of characters on "Game of Thrones" can be confusing. So, if you're not clear on just what a certain character is all about, below find an explanation of 1/1,000th of the ensemble that makes up "Game of Thrones."

She's the Princess Diana of "Game of Thrones." 
Too bad for her, King Joffrey makes Prince Charles look like Jesus Christ. 

Ouch! Theon is still the Michael Scott of the show, but now he's maybe also the John Wayne Bobbitt. (That did happen, right? I had my hands over my eyes when the knife was taken out).

This dude from north of the wall is obviously the show's Yukon Cornelius. 
(There's probably all kinds of Bumbles running around north of the wall). 

Here we have the Dowager Countess of House Tyrell. 
(Although the real Dowager Countess back at Downton would 
NEVER allow Lady Mary to wed King Joffrey!) 

Arya is a sword-wielding Yentl.

Jamie, aka Kingslayer, is the Lannister version of Sawyer from "Lost." They're similar looking sexy bad boys (although Sawyer didn't have a sister, thankfully). Jamie has also recently become the show's Buster from "Arrested Development." (Not because he loves juice boxes).

Finally, every show should follow "Game of Thrones" lead and get their own Otho from "Beetlejuice." 

Friday, May 17, 2013

Top Ten Reasons People Listen to Cliff and Kendall: Coast 2 Coast

Below please find the scientifically proven reasons, actually the 


10. You like hearing your name mentioned. 
(Applies mostly to people named Cliff, Kendall, and Zac Efron).

9. To pass the time

8. To impress others

7. Can't afford glasses and meant to download "Car Talk"

6. Your parents force you

5. Writing Master's thesis about the eating habits of morbidly obese males

4. To meet new people

3. To hear perfect pitch

2. If you can't water-board terrorism suspects anymore, you gotta do something 

1. To scare bears from your back yard