Friday, February 1, 2008

That is one funky island!

Last night was the long-awaited return of our favorite castaways (if you don't count Ginger) from the TV series "Lost." Of course ABC tried to trick us into thinking we had to 2 hours to look forward to, but then forced a recap special on us in the first hour.

First of all, I don't need a recap. I've only just watched the first 3 seasons on DVD in the last six months. But even if I did need a recap, I don't think I would have wanted one narrated by the most dispicable character on the show: Ben, King of the Others. (I hate Ben, and I almost hate the actor playing him. He's equal parts Kevin Spacey, Anthony Hopkins impression, and meerkat.)

Caution!! SPOILERS ahead if you didn't watch/taped it/DVRed it/don't care!!

But on to the episode! Luckily last night was full of the very lovable Hurley. We were reminded of Charlie's death plenty of times and were given a variety of new mysteries to solve. But here was my thought process while watching: "Oh, I'm gonna miss them being on the island" (when I thought they'd been rescued) to "WTF? They're still on this island?" (when it appeared they may very well be there for the rest of the series. But I guess that's as it should be.

And just as I was beginning to get over some of my Jack-hate, he gives me fresh reasons to hope somebody gives him a big punch. He was gonna kill Locke?? Just shoot him in the face? He only beat up Ben, King of the Others, and tied him to a tree. But he was gonna just off Locke?? My Jack-hate is back. Though, as I've said before I really don't like most of these people. I LOVE Kate, Sawyer, Hurley, and I like Sun okay. Her pregnant glow irritates me, but hey.

So we've got all new frustrations, excitements, and characters falling from the sky. But we still don't know: whose funeral was that in the season finale last year? Who is someone no one would go to the funeral???

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