Friday, February 1, 2008

History Lessons are funducational!

Continuing our mission to educate the masses, Kendall and I would like you to know these historical things happened today, February 1 in history. Hollaback, yo!

1982 – David Letterman began his late-night reign on NBC. Much watermelon dropping ensued.

1978- Harriet Tubman, conductor of the underground railroad, became the first African American woman to be featured on a postage stamp.

Also in 1978- Heralded filmmaker Roman Polanski fled the country after pleading guilty to boning a thirteen year old girl. Think about that the next time you watch “The Pianist.” No judgment!! (Should we judge that? Possibly. I'm actually gonna say: Yes, judge away!)

1969- Speaking of famous wangs (we kind of were, right?) Jim Morrison was arrested today for exposing himself in concert.

And back to 2008- Cliff and Kendall begin the first annual celebration of FebRUEary. See if you’ll ever spell it without the ‘e’ again!

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