Saturday, January 26, 2008

Learn More!

If you were curious about things Cliff and Kendall were talking about this week, this post may help you sleep at night.

Putting on a production of "Greater Tuna" or "A Tuna Christmas" turned up on Cliff and Kendall's collective bucket list. To learn more, just click on Greater Tuna for all the answers!

Kendall spoke about the amazing History Channel special "Life After People." Learn more here.

Interested in reading more about life after death? This is (probably) the Sylvia Browne book Cliff read about life "on the other side."

Also, from the cutting room floor of Cliff and Kendall's favorite things:

Cliff's favorite website: X-Entertainment
its an incredibly funny site dedicated mostly to the nostalgia of the 1980's. If you grew up then you will love reading articles on things like He-Man, seeing old commercials, and re-experiencing the things that made our youth so "special." The site also does amazing month-long celebrations of Halloween and Christmas.

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