Thursday, January 24, 2008

Bucket List

The latest bandwagon for Cliff and Kendall to jump on is that of making a "bucket list."

We ain't go no shame! This new episode is really, really good. I'm just layin' it out there. In it, Cliff and Kendall discuss things we want to do before we die, such as boring things like taking trips and winning podcaster awards.

But then things get interesting when we TELL YOU WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU DIE. Its been a mystery for a while and we thought we'd finally clear things up.

(Is it distracting how I write "we" sometimes and "Cliff and Kendall" sometimes?)

We also debut a new segment called "Cliff and Kendall's Media Minute" in which hot topics of the day are discussed and brought to your attention. Because its really all about YOU!

Into the mailbag we also dip, bringing out viewer mail that's too outrageous to be believed!

And did you know, every episode of our show is a labor of love? Emphasis on labor. (One day we'll write a joint autobiography called "Cliff and Kendall: Technical Difficulties.") But we love podcasting and podcasting is our destiny and it is the alpha and the omega so we do it anyway.

Come along on this fantastic voyage!! This is the best episode yet. There I said it. Again.

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