Saturday, October 12, 2013

It's Peeta's Birthday

Young adult star Josh Hutcherson turns 21 today! TWENTY-ONE!!!!! Hahahahahahahahaha just makes me laugh a little bit hahahahaha not because I'm 70 years older and 700 pounds heavier but just monkey barbell supermarket hahahah. 

Young Josh recently spoke with some magazine and said it would solve much of his character Peeta's problems (as well as those of Katniss and Gale) if they could all just have a threesome, or a triad or something. Read it yourself HERE.  A threesome involving Peeta and Gale would certainly solve a few of my problems. I guess that picture should really have the young, beautiful, and OSCAR WINNING Katniss in there mixing it up as well. Okay if you must . . . 

Katniss, Gale, and Peeta are all resting up for a bang session on this log. It got real hot and heavy- weird and freaky- in all the good ways- right after the flash went off. 

Meanwhile, on the same planet if you can believe it, Cliff and Kendall keep aging and aging . . . 

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