Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Memento Memo

It just occurred to me that if Kendall and I ever needed to make notes on our bodies . . . well, screw notes- we'd have room for the entire text of "Ulysses."*

*"Ulysses" is a really long book** written by James Joyce. It centers on a single day (June 16, 1904***) in the life of two Dublin men.

*Here is a real photo of Marilyn Monroe herself reading "Ulysses!" How do I know it's real? It popped up 2 dozen times in my Google image search for "Ulysses." 

**Okay it's not "Under the Dome" long, but still!

***Did you know that "Ulysses" has its own holiday? It's true! June 16th is known as Bloomsday, named after a "Ulysses" character, and is a celebration of all things James Joyce. It is observed in Dublin and elsewhere around the globe. 

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