Saturday, December 3, 2011

What People's?

So I was innocently voting for the People's Choice Awards (you can too- HERE!), when I noticed a mistake in their nominations. When they came up with nominees for the People's Favorite Movie Icon- they forgot an entire gender existed! These aren't the Male Icons- these are the only icons. They couldn't come up with one woman? It must have taken them weeks to come up with Morgan Freeman.
Here are a few ladies that are deserving of at least being nominated for People's Icon! C'mon, at least a few of them are undeniable.

But, if they forgot the ladies in that category they must have tried to make up for it with Favorite Pop Star.

So if you want to exercise your rights as an American People- vote in these awards! Only one bit of advice- try and find some way to write in "Body of Proof" for People's Drama!

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