Saturday, October 15, 2011

Cher Makes It All Better

Look I made a "Meme" for you! "What is a Meme?" you ask. Click HERE and find out! If you already know- enjoy! (You'll feel better if you think of Oscar winner Cher, by the way.)

Next time you're very angry, think of Cher! Think of her up on that Navy boat singing to sailors, think of her singing into a robot microphone for Believe, think of her slapping Nicolas Cage and telling him to "Snap out of it!" Think of her wearing the feathers of 10,000 birds as Half Breed, think of her gypsy Mama dancing for all the money they'd throw, think of her extolling the virtues of haircare products!!! Any thought of Cher will raise your spirits!!*

*These claims have not been verified by the FCC, FDA, or FFA. But they're probably true.

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