Sunday, July 24, 2011

They'll Never Stop "The Simpsons"

Thank GOD! There is one vestige of my childhood still on the air: The Simpsons! And with the annual pop culture/nerdlinger festival in San Diego- the show's producers were recently chatting about the upcoming 23rd season and distant future. Click HERE to read 10 new things about the Universe's favorite yellow family.

A few noteworthy notes:

- this year's Christmas episode travels 30 years into the future! Imagine Bart at 40!
- Tim and Eric (another hilarious and overweight duo) are guest stars in the upcoming season
- you can vote HERE to decide whether Edna Krabbapel and Ned Flanders should become a permanent couple
- there will be (a whole episode?) devoted to the 1,000+ year life of Moe's bar rag

There's still life in the old girl yet!

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