Friday, July 22, 2011

Lady GaGa on Howard Stern

If you've got an hour and a half to kill, why not settle down with a nice cup of liquid and enjoy THIS clip from the Howard Stern radio show. It's Lady GaGa's long awaited sit-down with the King of Crude!

It's actually pretty great hearing LG talk so candidly about pretty much everything. She's just like Cliff and Kendall- AN ARTIST! She (and we) care not for the money! We do it for the love of our fans!!!! Our SO MANY fans!! There really are just too many to count! I choose to believe I couldn't count them if I tried!

She also plays some great acoustic versions of The Edge of Glory and Hair from her new album. If you've got 88+ minutes, or some portion thereof, why not listen? Ask yourself, "Why not?"

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