Saturday, April 30, 2011

Wedding Photo Dump

I know everyone is dying to see photos from Mrs. Potterbutter Butterchurn and Mr. Snodbottom's wedding!!

Well, I'm still dying to see most of them myself! (Kendall and I ensured that the photographer had a wide angle lens!) BUT- the photographer turned out to be a cold hard b*tch! Because, not only are we prohibited from sharing wedding photos with you on the blog, we also cannot share a photo of the bride and groom!! Some clause on the contract!! Mrs. Potterbutter Butterchurn had no idea- she's plenty peaved on her way to Niagra falls for the honeymoon!

Nonetheless- I have a few photos I took with my disposable camera. Tyler had them developed in the one-hour-photo and then scanned them. I only have a few, because it was the end of the roll (the first half was from last year's office Christmas party- but I look too fat to keep those shots!!!)

First Lady RheAnn (and another bridesmaid) share some bad jokes before the wedding begins

This is how Tyler shows up to the Wedding of the Century! I snapped this pic before I gave him his tuxedo (I picked it up from the dry cleaners just that morning!)

Great great grandchildren of Mrs. Potterbutter Butterchurn.
I tried to talk little Appalonia out of the hat- but she ignored me!

Snodbottom and Potterbutter Butterchurn cake toppers!
Pretty good likeness of them both, if you ask me!

Reception began just before sundown. None of us knew what this was! Turned out to be dough-balls covered in spun sugar. I ate most of it. One of Mrs. Pussybottom's delectable delights!

Did I mention there was an open bar? I got kind of wild with Mr. Snodbottom's niece Francine!

Mr. Snodbottom's groom's cake

Kendall and I spent plenty of time here!
(When we weren't busting sweet moves on the dance floor!)

Just before we left, Tyler snapped this picture of Kendall with his phone. Poor Kendall- he was so overcome with emotion!! (Okay- emotion and Jack Daniels!)

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