Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!

We really do want you to be our Valentine!! That's right- no need to look behind you- we want YOU to be our Valentine!

Whether you're currently reading this on your Blackberry as you walk down a candlelit hallway en route to your naked lover who is patiently awaiting you on a bed of rose petals, or if you are eating Donut Stix at your desk and trying to stretch the waist of your pants a little bit- we love you!
There's no better way to celebrate today than by listening to this week's Heart Shaped episode of Cliff and Kendall (in the player over on the right!)- you can turn it on as you drink beer after beer by yourself or during your erotic love-making; it's a versatile show!

Just make sure you are living and loving (someone/something) today- the only Valentine's Day 2011 there will ever be! (As far as we know).

**Also do you doubt Cliff and Kendall's effect on culture? Check out the Sassy Hearts in the photo up top!
***P.S. History Lesson:

According to my Grandmother, in the olden days- a young lover would come to your house and leave a Valentine for you on your porch! (Kind of like reverse trick-or-treating). Your admirer would tap on your door with a stick to make some noise and then scamper away before you got out to pick up your Valentine!

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