Sunday, January 30, 2011

Mrs. Potterbutter Butterchurn's Online!

Well, we finally talked her into it. Mrs. Potterbutter Butterchurn is online! She's on facebook and she's even tweeting!

She was none too pleased that she couldn't use the "Mrs." in her name, but we got her to briefly eschew etiquette in favor of being up to date. Oh, and her twitter username had to be absurdly short- it's @PttrbttrBtrchrn And if you've never tried to explain twitter to a lady with so much "life experience"- you should try it!

Now her fans can communicate with her and see what goes on in her daily life- or at least what she allows our assistant Tyler to post for her. He's currently trying to get her tweets to appear on our blog.

Feel free to "Friend," "Follow," and Welcome Mrs. Potterbutter Butterchurn into 2011!

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