Monday, January 24, 2011

In Other Remake News

Did you hear that Clint Eastwood is set to direct Beyonce in a remake of "A Star is Born"? I think this could be fun- I don't like a lot of Clint Eastwood movies, but the story has been told so many times, it might be fun to see what they do with it.

It could also be awful! The lineage of Judy Garland to Barbra Streisand to Beyonce almost makes sense, but if you want to really recreate the movie you'd need to have a huge gay icon (and not just someone who is merely enjoyed by the gays). I would recommend Clint Eastwood cast Lady Gaga or time travel back to the 90's and get Madonna. At least we know Beyonce can approximate the same hairstyle Barbra wore in the 70's version. (See photos above)

Oh and other remakes! They're probably going to remake "Annie" with Will Smith's daughter. We know she whips her hair back and forth, but can she scrub a floor? Oh and if you have another movie that needs remaking, send it over to the Smith household, I bet they can find some kid to star in it! Gross!

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