Thursday, December 9, 2010

The Cliff and Kendall of Daytime

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Upon the heels of their well-deserved 4 page spread in Entertainment Weekly (headlined "TV's Craziest Hour") the Cliff and Kendall of daytime television Kathie Lee (Cliff) and Hoda (Kendall) were visited by the article's author.

He talks about how "boozy" their show is, which really just means that it's free-flowin' hilarity!! I've said for a while that these ladies have those uptight "View" hosts (Joy and Whoopi notwithstanding) beat by a mile. And Regis and Kelly? Fuggedaboutit!

Watch the above clip to see the striking similarity between what NBC airs at 11 am and your average episode of 'Coast 2 Coast'. The only thing missing is the belches!

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