Tuesday, September 28, 2010

New Show: Cliff and Kendall on the Titanic

Join us for some "Cinema of the Ear" with our new episode!!

This week Cliff and Kendall set sail on the famed 'Ship of Dreams'! We don't need no stinkin' lifeboats on a ship so unsinkable! Join us for some Vaudeville-style Bad Jokes, What the Kids Are Saying (circa 1912) and a sea-worthy Etiquette Tip via Mrs. Potterbutter Butterchurn!
UPDATE: This show has actually been scheduled for this week for over a month, but in a twist of fate- we'd like to belatedly dedicate this show to the memory of 100 year old Titanic actress Gloria Stuart, who entered 'Cloud 2 Cloud' territory on 9/26/10. You will not be forgotten (like Jack Dawson- we'll remember you forever!)

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