Friday, August 20, 2010

It's True- Fiber One Alert!

ALERT: The box says that our beloved Fiber One Bars "Now, Tastes Even Better." And as grammatically incorrect as that last sentence was: it was TRUE. They do taste even better!!!

Now for a while the Kellogg's Fiber Plus bars have been touting "Tastes Better Than Fiber One" on their boxes- but I never really bought that. Fiber Plus bars are a different animal. They're softer and more candy bar like. Very good- but not a solid "hunger killer" the way Fiber One bars are.

Fiber Plus bars are best served, broken in half or thirds and warmed inside a hot bag of popcorn. Fiber One bars are best served any time at all. And now they taste even better!!! They are good warmed in a pocket (like the gummy bears from 'Ferris Bueller') or unwrapped and microwaved for 5-10 seconds. Like eating a cookie from the oven. I love Fiber One Bars.

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