Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Steve Carell and Alec Baldwin Are Trying to Ruin My Life

'Sources' confirm that Steve Carell is indeed leaving 'The Office" at the end of the upcoming seventh season, and sources sadly confirm that 'The Office" will not be concluding its run when the STAR of the show awkwardly (I'm guessing) moves from Scranton to work for Kathy Bates full time in Georgia (or something).

This is BAD. I know you know why, I won't even go on- let me just point to 'The X-Files" Mulder-less seasons (and I LOVE Gillian Anderson, she was my favorite always, but still- how do you pick up the pieces when one of the stars, or in Dunder Mifflin's case THE star of the show leaves?) They should really end the show. And I love the show and never want it to end. But more than that I want it to not get BAD. (See also case file #689 "Roseanne's 9th Season Worse than Vietnam War")

And now Alec Baldwin is saying (again) how much he wants to leave (!!!!) "30 Rock"!! He's said it before, but now he points to the end of his contract in 2012 (after season 5 and hypothetical season 6). C'mon NBC execs! Work some magic and get him to give one more year! That would be 7 seasons of Liz and Jack antics- and I believe Tina Fey is smarter than whoever's minding the store at "The Office" and would know when to call it a day, before the show lost one of its MVP's (sports analogy). It's no shame to end a show after 7 years, before the beloved characters get a chance to move away or simply become cartoon-ish parodies of themselves. Evidence:

Shows with seven great seasons:
"The Golden Girls"
"Buffy the Vampire Slayer"
"The Mary Tyler Moore Show"

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