Friday, June 18, 2010

New Show: Gay Pride Awareness Month!

This week we're celebrating diversity, equality, and disco sticks! It's Gay Pride Awareness Month on Cliff and Kendall! This show is gayer than usual (I know, I hear you asking "How could it possibly get any gayer?!?!?! But it does!) with Bad Jokes, Things the Kidz R Saying, and Stupid Questions!

Whether you're a top, bottom, middle, Rosie, Ellen, Kathy Griffin, or confused heterosexual- we've got you covered! In glitter!

You have to hear this "groundbreaking*" and "brave*" episode to believe it! Hear about coming out and Kendall being coaxed out-when he wasn't even in!

*"Groundbreaking and brave!" raves 6/18/2010

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