Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Look: Pretty!

"Twilight" star Robert Pattinson is on the cover of the new Vanity Fair magazine and it includes some new portraits of the beautiful vampire movie actor.

In the one above you can see the normal "pretty man reading a book in front of a beach house on a cloudy day" look but below you see two insights into the highly secret world of celebrity. These shots were never supposed to get out so see them while you can!

You see one secret few know is that celebrities can play the piano with their feet- even with their shoes on! Either that or a strong wind came along and knocked Robert over while he was in the middle of a boring old hand-played version of Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata.

In this third photo you see another Hollywood secret: NEVER UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES SHOULD YOU EAT. Sure he's holding a half chewed ear of corn- but what you don't know is that one ear of corn has more carbs than Robert can eat in a month! So obviously some hefty magazine PA chowed down and then passed the corn to Robert so we lay-people would think he'd eaten it himself. But we are too savvy for that!

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