Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Best Hair(piece) Ever Goes to:

John Travolta!!! In "Old Dogs" somebody sure done a good job of gluing a toupee to Travolta's scalp! Call the Oscars- I wanna see this wig on the red carpet!! The alternative is they may get some sort of technical award for CGI-ing Hugh Grant's hair from 1994 onto Travolta's head.

Incidentally, if we decode the poster below, we'll find the true meaning. John Travolta is standing there telepathically telling us "Isn't it odd how wild gorillas always find weird little skinny dudes to adopt as babies?" But he's not saying it like he's alarmed or anything. He's just mentioning it as an odd fact you might find interesting- like "Did you know that mosquito repellants don't actually repel? They simply mask your scent."

On the right Robin Williams is trying as best he can to slowly back away from this movie poster. His shame is written all over his face, he just had to do this movie to pay for his heart surgery. Them Doubtfire dollar$ done dried up a long time ago.

Seth Green is singing that stupid fucking "I'm All Out of Love" song.

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