Friday, August 15, 2008

Like a Birthday Girl

As we all know, tomorrow The Queen of the World- Madonna- turns fifty years old! Let us take a moment and rejoice!!

Below is one of my favorite Madonna moments of all time: her Victorian era performance of Vogue from the 1990 MTV Video Music Awards. It's lip synched, but the performance was much more about pageantry and making a statement about, uh stuff, than just singing a song. (In case you were wondering, she almost always sings live now- unless her choreography calls for her to stand on her head or something).

I still very much remember watching this performance live on TV at my grandparents' house. I was 8 or 9 years old, but I was allowed to watch the awards and of course they saved Madonna until the end. And she came on and was wonderful- and our cable went out in the middle of her song. I'm sure I cried. As I would today. Watch the video and pretend you're eight- see if you grow up gay.

Happy Birthday!! Here's to fifty more years!

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