Friday, July 25, 2008

Trailer Park Reviews!

This weekend is definitely a toss up movie-wise. As we all look to see whether any movie can possibly give Batman the smackdown (No). Well, we at least look to see what might come in at 2, 3, and 7.

The X-Files: I Want to Believe:

Kendall: Yes! I always wanted to get into the show, and now here's my chance. I'll have to TiVo some old episodes to get in the mood. Spooky alien good times!

Cliff: You better believe it! Mulder and Scully remain two of my favorite TV pals from the awkward teenage years- and I wouldn't give up on them now!! I'm looking forward to seeing what they've got up their sleaves this many years later. I just hope this one somehow squeaks out enough money so they'll make another!


Kendall: Yes!! Hello, Laughter? It's Kendall on the line! Will Ferrell re-teaming with his "Elf" costar Mary Steenburgen seems like a sure fire cure for the unemployment blues! And look at John C. Reilly's face: only a mother could love it, but the whole world can laugh with it!

Cliff: Only if this movie were one continuous stream of bunkbeds collapsing in on one another would I say yes. And I'm willing to bet there are at least a few scenes with no one being squished by a broken piece of furniture- so No!

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