Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Sweet Little Criminal

I believe it was last week when this little guy (okay, not so little: he's 20) snuck into a movie theater late one night dressed as The Joker and tried to steal a bunch of "Dark Knight" stuff. He was arrested (hence the mugshot) but hopefully will get away with a slap on his purple sleeved wrist. Because its sort of cute right? I mean some might say pathetic, but I say it's kinda sweet.

He just loved the movie so much, and probably didn't want to go to Wal-Mart or eBay where he could easily get Batman junk. My heart goes out to him, for some reason. He's a comic book store guy, a poindexter, an N-E-R-D. Let's let him off. Poor thing. Just keep him away from explosive laden ferries!

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