Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Men in Skirts????????????????

Unbelievably one mail carrier in some state where it gets really hot wants the laws of society to bend to his every whim!! He wants to be allowed to carry the mail IN A FUCKING SKIRT!!! Yeah, he calls it a "kilt," but we know what it really is: A LADIES SWISHY FRILLY SKIRT!

Does this degenerate know that men and women are different?? How royally did his parents screw over his upbringing? Some people will never learn! Men to the left and women to the right! This would be as crazy as women WEARING PANTS!

Luckily the Loyal Order of the Water Buffalo- or whatever the high priests of the US Mail are calling themselves these days- is set to vote on this soon. Let's pray to our PANTS WEARING GOD that this does not come to pass.

Read about this mess HERE if you can stomach it!

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