Thursday, July 31, 2008

Cliff and Kendall in the Kitchen!

The kitchen beckons!

So standing at the checkout counter yesterday I spy Hostess 100 Calorie Packs of Carrot Cake Cupcakes. I thinks to meself "Self, you ought to buy some of dem." And so I does.

The box comes with six 100 calorie packs inside. Now when you open the box the cakes themselves are laughably small- the perfect size cake Barbie would make. A single layer Barbie cake. But you get 3 in a pack, so it could be worse.

The taste of the cake is not sooo great, but I'm no carrot cake aficianado, so I might not be the best judge. The diminutive pastries all have cream cheese icing and regular Hostess white stuff in the middle. The best thing about the cakes (aside from Barbie now being able to open her own bakery) is the aftertaste which is more pleasant than the foretaste.

I would say a "Yes" for big fat carrot cake lovers who are looking to get down the pounds while still shoving cake into their face.

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