Friday, June 20, 2008

Trailer Park Review

This weekend two big dumb comedies are opening head to head- here's what Kendall and I say about both of them:

"Get Smart":
Kendall- I say yes! I was at Warner Bros. when they were filming this and I was laughing even way back then at Steve Carell and his shoe phone! Funny schtuff.

Cliff- Yeah! This may not be "great" but actually looks fair enough, which in the summer is usually the best you can hope for. Also, ever since I started watching "The Office" this movie has looked better and better to me. I will have to resist the urge to yell "where's Dwight??" though.

"The Love Guru":
Kendall- This is a big stinking, flaming, pile of horse shit. Yeah, I said it. A big old NOOOOO!!!!

Cliff- Not to be all "Full House" about it, but NO WAY JOSE!! This just looks shitty. Sorry Austin Powers- you've lost your mojo! And if you're on the fence because you sort of want to see Justin Timberlake in a speedo (you know who you are)- let me do you a favor:

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