Wednesday, June 25, 2008

This Should Happen! Bush Sewage Plant


"While some U.S. Presidents get highways, schools or monuments named after them, that doesn't seem to be the case for George W. Bush.

A group in San Francisco, which call themselves the Presidential Memorial Commission of San Francisco (sounds very official, huh?), is asking voters to sign a petition to have a nearby building named after the Prez.

The building they'd like to honor Bush with is none other than the water sewage treatment plant on the nearby coast. Purrrfect! And the name? They'd like to have it called the George W. Bush Sewage Plant. Sweet and simple!

The plant is currently called the Oceanside Water Pollution Control Plant. Brian McConnel, one of the organizers stated, “Most politicians tend to be narcissistic and egomaniacs. So it is important for satirists to help define their history rather than letting them define their own history.”

The plan is to place a vote on the November ballot which will supposedly provide “an appropriate honor for a truly unique president.”

The group already has plenty of signatures to qualify for being on the ballot. Howard Epstein, chairman of one of the San Francisco Republican Party and one of the few Republicans in the city, is obviously against the naming, calling it "an abuse of process.” He adds, “You got a bunch of guys drunk who came up with an idea and want to put on the ballot as a big joke without regard to the city’s governance or cost.”

Oh yea, the idea to name the sewage plant after Bush apparently came to the organizers while drinking at a bar. If approved, the renaming would take effect on January 20th of next year."

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