Monday, June 2, 2008

Pringles, ad nauseum

Speaking of Pringles (see below), during my extensive research for the previous post I encountered a listing that told of all the exotic Pringles flavors that the lucky folks outside of America get to try. Here are the ones I would sample, if I could sample them, not that I'm all bent out of shape about it, but you know, if the oppotunity arose:


Tomato and Mozzarella

Prawn cocktail (shrimp is a better word, right?)

Hot Holland Hot
Flame Grilled Steak and Caramalized Onion (so long as there's no real meat juices!)
Sweet Chili & Lemongrass

Light Spicy Thai with a touch of Coconut Oil

South America:
Filet Mignon (I never ate the real cut of meat, and never would now, so I might as well eat the chip, right?)

French Consomme
Funky Soy Sauce (call anything Funky and I'll try it!)
Devil Hot (just for the Satan factor)
Grilled Cheese

Here are some discontinued flavors that sound interesting:
Cheesy quesadilla, Cheeseburger, Wild Strawberry (supposedly a "Tarzan" promotion), Curry, Grand taco, Oniony Fries, Roasted Turkey, Spicy Guacamole, Valentines Day (original dyed pink), Winter Cheese Fondue, & Wisconsin White Cheddar

And I promise I'll never talk about Pringles again.

Except to say that food that comes with trivia questions on it is pretty fun. In a "wouldn't this fuckin' freak out someone from the past who travelled into the future and went to eat a chip, and suddenly realized that the chip had Name Luke Skywalker's robot friends printed on it? That is, if the person from the past hadn't already been totally fucked up by the whole time-travel experience already."

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