Wednesday, June 4, 2008

New Podcast!

You don't have to be a fan of "Lost" to listen to this week's show (but it wouldn't hurt)! As we get down about America's second favorite set of castaways, we don't fail to KEEP it SASSY! So have no fear, if you don't know your hatch from your Oceanic 6, you'll still be mightily entertained- as always!

Also, we dish up Bad Jokes and pull out some Trailer Park Reviews! ("Kung Fu Panda" and oh yeah- we "Mess with the Zohan"! Blecchh!) Look out as Cliff and Kendall, er Kendall and I, let it fly in Episode 24- Get "Lost"!

Also- this week we are brought to you in HD-Podsound! It sounds like we are talking right into your face- just what you've always wanted!

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