Tuesday, June 10, 2008

The Internet is for Weirdos

The above video makes a strong case for an age restriction for making and posting things on Youtube. At least if you are an adult doing insanely bonkers things, maybe you know they're insanely bonkers- and you can live it down, because it's like a comment on being a nut. But as a youngster- how do you go to school the next day? When inevitably all the schoolyard bullies, lunchladies, and once-friendly janitors will come up to you and say "WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT VIDEO ON YOUTUBE?"

For another example click HERE. And if you did click there and are now familiar with her work, pleae click HERE for a remix video someone kindly made of an original song the artist wrote herself. It's pretty fantastic actually. The internet is a weird place, y'all.

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