Friday, June 13, 2008

Friday the 13th!!!!!!

So today is the UNLUCKIEST day of the year! And to celebrate you can watch the video above. It is actually from Disney's Halloween, or it might be a fan made video reminiscent of Disney's Halloween, either way it works just as well on this extra spooky day. Cause it's "Superstition" by Stevie Wonder!

Also- here are some random facts about the terrifying number 13!

-Lizzy Borden uttered a total of 13 words at her trial.

-A witches coven consists of 13 members.

-There are 13 steps leading to the gallows.

-A baker's dozen consists of 13 for a reason! So the story goes a witch near Albany, NY demanded 13 items every time she came in to a particular bakery, and one day the old baker could not afford her extra biscuit. She sneered some strange words at the man, and he suffered terrible luck from then on, until he brought her another 13 rolls. After that life was once again easy for the baker and word spread around town. The custom is still sometimes practiced today.

Eeek! Below is the only safe configuration of 13 things!

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