Monday, June 9, 2008

Braindead Robot Praises Hillary


"First Lady Laura Bush said Monday that as a veteran of the rigors of the campaign trail herself, she "admired Hillary's grit and strength."

"I know what it’s like to run those campaigns, to be the candidate and how very difficult it is both emotionally and physically,” Bush told ABC News. “It's a huge endurance, process of endurance, and so I'll have to say I have a lot of admiration for her endurance and strength."

"I know it's hard," Mrs. Bush said, "It's hard to do that and I think she did great."

She sure knows a lot about endurance and hardness right? But it is nice that even this big dumb fucking idiot (literally, assuming she's still fucking W. from time to time) is realizing how great, historic actually, Hillary's run was. Both Hillary and Obama blew an enormous hole in the hubris of old white men everywhere (Grandpa McCain take note!) and hopefully the history will continue in November.

There are a lot of news stories circulating about Hillary's supporters and where they will go. I certainly would never go for Grandpa McCain, but I'm not super happy and all aboard the Obama Train yet. (That was so not a reference to Soul Train, I swear). But hopefully soon, we can all come together to make America slightly less of a soulless shit hole!

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