Friday, May 2, 2008

Trailer Park Taste

This week on the show, Kendall and I reviewed the films "Iron Man" and "Made of Honor" based on their trailers. Here's a little reveal of what went down:

"Iron Man"

Kendall: I'd say a maybe. I'm not much on super heroes, or the idea of an "Iron Man" (a Tin Man on the other hand . . .) but you never know if maybe a big stupid completely predictable very near horrible popcorn movie is just what the Dr. might have ordered had one actually been consulted. Plus, nothing goes better with caramel corn from the Arc Light!

Cliff: I say NO! Blah blah blah Iron blah blah blah Man blah blah Gwyneth blah blecch exploded real good blah snarky remarks blah blah blah.

"Made of Honor"

Kendall: No!! McDon't See It! This looks awful. The film looks even more predictable than a shoe commercial (Spoiler: The person buys shoes!!)

Cliff: NO NO!! McStay Home! "My Best Friend's Wedding" - Julia Roberts + Patrick Dempsey = Waste of Time. We done seen this one y'all, it was better ten years ago! And when the mere title of a movie makes you want to throw something against the wall, watch the funk out!
For the first time ever, Kendall and I BOTH saw one of the films we pre-reviewed. We upgrade our "Iron Man" thoughts to:

Kendall: Go!! I loved it!! Superhero meets Discovery Channel as man makes Iron Suit! Loved it!
Cliff: Actually lots of fun, a nice summer popcorn movie- just a little shy of summer. Buy some refreshing Junior Mints and enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. I love the fact that the spoiler is "The person buys the shoes"... Something about that made me laugh out loud.
