Thursday, May 15, 2008

Too Much $$$? Solution!

So by now you know that George W. Bush wants to stimulate you (economically). And I'm sure you're finding yourself thinking, "well, gosh I just gots to help out our faltering economy so that we can build a better mousetrap to catch all the terrorists by their curly little corkscrew tails." You were thinking that right?

Well- Kendall and I have a solution FOR YOU!! Here are some ways to spend that FAT check from Uncle Sam. (Whatever you do: DO NOT SAVE IT, and sure enough DO NOT PAY DOWN CREDIT CARDS WITH IT. I don't care what Suze Orman tells you to do. She's got Oprah money.)

A) If you've a hairy back like some podcaster you've never heard of: You'll need a large quantity of Nair to get rid of that mess! Go from hot tranny mess to hot tranny in minutes with Nair hair removal lotion!

B) You will want to bone up for this summer's big TV Shows turned Movies- "Sex and the City" arrives in theaters in 2 weeks with "The X-Files" on its trail in July. And for these summer event films you will need to refresh your memory: Did Carrie really like shoes or did she really like office supplies? Was Scully's father abducted by the Cigarette Smoking Man? Fun Fact: Mulder's sister was named Samantha- just like Carrie's sluttiest friend!!

C) Blow your wad on eBay! You can find ways to spend your money (many times over) on things like a cookie jar or Batman's utility belt! (Each currently going for thousands of dollars- snotrags to rich bitches like you are now!)

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