Thursday, May 1, 2008

New Podcast Comin' 2Night


Sometime soon our new podcast will be up- and buckle yourself in for a nice time with your computer/iPod/other digital listening device. It should be fun!

Now, it may be titled "The Most Boring Podcast Ever," but never fear- it's simply a misnomer. It really is a fun episode about what happens when people get bored. You'll have to listen to find out (you'll know because we tell you, but you won't actually become bored yourself).

The show is also about:

Poor Southern Lawyers
Calorie Counts
Dirty Jokes
Bad Jokes
The Pope
The hatred of George W. Bush
Weird News
and Trailer Park Reviews!
oh, and MORE!!

So settle in with a glass of fine wine, your puppy, and maybe fire in the fireplace (or fan in front of the ice box depending upon your local weather) and ENJOY!

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