Thursday, May 29, 2008

Cliff and Kendall Hate Guns!

But that doesn't stop Kendall from shootin'! It is important when venting frustrations to do so in a constructive manner. Rewallpaper the living room, polish your silver, bake a low fat cake, tell your children you love them, or shoot some shit! Kendall recently went on a shooting spree in a very controlled and safe environment (he even wore protection on his ears- Quentin Tarantino never told you that you could lose your hearing busting so many caps in so many asses!).

We would like to take this as an opportunity to say GUNS KILL PEOPLE. Also GEORGE W. BUSH KILLS PEOPLE. FOR OIL.

Kendall would never advocate assassinating anyone though. He's a nice guy. A peace-loving, cake eating kinda guy. We wish everyone happiness, fulfillment, and health.

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