Monday, April 14, 2008

Three Shows More Important than "The Real World"

Nevermind the relentless photoshopping of an already beautiful person, look below to the article title that refers to "The Real World" as the most important show on televison. This magazine has not been released yet, but luckily I am already here to refute it.

Let's forget the fact that "The Real World" is now 20 years old, and like the first crack in a dam, is responsible for the flood of reality-horror series that currently clog our television schedules like a particularly nasty hairball stuck in a drain.

The show may be responsible for turning television into the schadenfreude machine we know it as today, but I still say it couldn't be the most "important" show on TV. So here are three I deem more relevant to today's mass medium viewers.

1. Jakers! The Adventures of Piggley Winks

This children's series runs on PBS, giving our children lessons about being good or something. Mel Brooks really does lend his voice to a sheep who tries to lead the cute barnyard animals astray (I think). Now, this show is important in that A) it looks like screen saver, just like all computer animated childrens shows that run today-- and B) it is letting our children share in the grand tradition (unfortunately not of hand drawn cartoons, but of) talking animals who teach them lessons. Plus, there's a nice reminder in the title of:

2. Bathroom Renovations

This DIY network series owes more of a debt to Bob Vila than to (uh what "Real World" people can I name?) Heather, Eric Nies, Hot gay Danny from New Orleans, Melissa that's now on that stupid women's hidden camera show on Oxygen, uh Pedro (R.I.P.), Puck, Judd the cartoonist, John the cowby hat guy, Norman the gay from the first season, and I don't remember the name of that guy who got booted out in Season 2 or the girl who got her jaw wired shut, oh! but there was Irene who had lime disease, firey red-head Montana from Boston, and I really think that's all I can remember. All the naked sluts from the last few years have melded together into one big ball of jacuzzi soaked pubic hair.

But back to "Bathroom Renovations." It's just really interesting to see how they install the tile, toilets, and marble countertops. Or so I would imagine, not actually having seen the show. But if I ever get the DIY network- I'll be on the lookout!

3. Reba reruns

Ever since the evil network honchos over at the CW unceremoniously axed its highest rated comedy the world hasn't been the same. But you can revisit the saga of the Hart clan over on Lifetime (many times a day). We'll never get the huggy, potentially song-filled series finale we all needed, but maybe something so special should be left to our imagination.

But seriously, the show was pretty funny- especially compared to the other laugh-track filled traditional sitcoms of its era, and did at least attempt to go into "Roseanne" territory by dealing with somewhat dramatic subject matter amidst all the southern tomfoolery.

Thus endeth this post.

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