Tuesday, April 29, 2008

NOOOOOOO! to Grandpa McCain!

As this idiotic battle between Democratic presidential nominees rages on, supporters on both sides are becoming increasingly bitter towards the rival nominee (according to this news story.)

But during these frustrating times, let us not forget who the enemy is: GRANDPA MCCAIN! This sleepy septuagenarian wants us to "stay the course" in Iraq, apparently until the end of time. While he may have once been called a "maverick Republican," let us not forget that a "maverick Republican" is still a Republican. That means: guns in our children's cold dead hands, schools left drastically underfunded while every child (that survives the guns) is left far behind, gays will probably be rounded up and put into internment camps (or in front of firing squads), and a sea of unwanted babies that we must all wade through on the way to work every morning- infants without parents grasping at the cuffs of our pants- unwanted and unloved- growing up to become a terrorist or another Republican.

I feel these bitter feeling too, but this must not happen! Just say NOOOOOO to GRANDPA MCCAIN! And say YES to uniting this quickly splintering party- however that has to happen- let it happen PLEASE!

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