Friday, April 25, 2008

Friday Time Passage Help

Hey- it’s Friday!! Traditionally a slow day in the American workplace, Friday is also a day filled with anticipation of the wild and crazy Friday night you might (or then again, might not) be having. Also, Saturday is coming and you know it could very well be off the chain!!

But- on the OFF OFF chance you are looking for something to peruse on the internet this fine afternoon, look not than much further than below . . .

Feeling as fat as those Lard Lads up there? Click on their multiple chins to find out the 20 Worst Foods in America- and if you avoid those foods you might just avoid those portly fellows' fate as well.

Or you can relive your youth (or someone's at least) by reading about some awesome 80’s Commercials.

Can you handle Real News?

No? HERE you go.

Maybe you want a Funny Video?? Seriously, check it out.

Learn more about the Woman some men's magazine just labeled the Sexiest Gal in the Universe or something.

Maybe you want to see some new PHOTOS from a sequel to a real old movie?

However you squander it, have a great day.

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