Monday, April 7, 2008

Drink up y'all

Did you know today marks the 75th anniversary of the end of Prohibition?? Now, that unfortunate era was born from the Anti-Saloon League, many of whom simply wanted America to drink products they had a financial share in. But Seven point Five decades ago, then President FDR took a stand (ahem) and said a big F-U to the Anti-Salooners and re-instated drinking as an acceptable national past time.

So in honor of this most amazing turn of events I bring to you: Cliff and Kendall's favorite alcoholic drinks.

Kendall: The man loves his Jack and Coke

Born in Tennessee, this firey devil drink will burn your gullet and warm your insides and more importantly FUCK YOU UP. A southern drink through and through- JD from TN and Coca-Cola brewed right in Atlanta, you can't help but imagine yourself somewhere south of the Mason-Dixon with one in hand.

Honorable Mention: Butter beer

Mix a shot (or two, it's plenty tasty) Buttershots schnapps with Cream Soda and you've got a magical drink fitting for muggles everywhere. While not as intoxicating as some other cocktails, Butter beer more than makes up for it in palatability. Tastes so good you'll drink enough to make any household broom into a Nimbus 2000.

Cliff: Long Island Iced Tea can't be beat!

Now residing in the north I see the true beauty of sitting on a southern front porch with a glass of sweet tea in hand watching the sun go down behind a field of cotton. But failing that, the next best thing is sitting in a bar getting super shit-faced with a Long Island Iced Tea. Filled with enough different liquors to knock a less seasoned drinker right on their ass, the LIIC is guaranteed to make even the heaviest boozer totally tipsy (and likelier still: flat out drunk) by the second round.

Honorable mentions: Gin and anything; Butter beer (see above delicousness and Harry Potter connection; and a very cheap Lite Beer (except Bud Light which is just making Geezer and Presidential hopeful John McCain richer) low in calories, lower in taste, usually low in price- drink enough and you'll be low in troubles, cares, and inhibitions.

Drink up, America!!

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