Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Alcoholic Patriots Outraged over Absolut Ad

This ad that ran throughout Mexico was pulled by the Swedish vodkateers after a barrage of complaints from Americans. Absolut said it was created "with a Mexican sensibility" and that's why it showed a map circa the mid nineteenth century when much of the USA was still Mexican territory.

True American patriots however, have taken extreme offense. First the Muslims, then the French, and now the sweet sweet vodka makers have turned against good old Uncle Sam. How can we best stick a boot up their ass? Many lushes have called for a boycott of the Absolut brand.

One such boozehound commented, "I poured all my Absolut down the drain!! Did George Washington die at the Alamo and spill his blood on the stars and stripes for chips and salsa?? No!! he did it for the eagles and Elvis and all that other American Godliness!! Betsy Ross would be rolling around in her grave if we patriots hadn't burned her at the stake for witchery. The stitching on that first flag was too good, had to be a product of the Devil. Freedom, freedom, freedom, smoke 'em out, freedom, freedom!!"

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