Friday, February 15, 2008

Who's More Evil?

It's fun game time here on the blog!! Inspired by our "FEAR" episode, you see below three Super-Villain profiles and you have to decide for yourself which one is the most evil!!! Fun, huh?

The only way for you to win is to know truly in your heart that you have chosen the correct answer. And your prize is self-fulfillment. Ready to play?

A) Alien. She's a bitch baby! She'll rip you up soon as look at ya. Or she'll lay a baby in your brain! Just be glad you don't live in the future or you know everytime you had the slightest heartburn, you'd be waiting for one of her babies to burst from your chest!

B) It. He IS fear!! He lives in the sewers and can come up through the drain in your bathtub. He can come through the faucet in the sink at work. He can transform into a giant spider and eat your face!

C) Mike Huckabee. He's running a bigoted Hell-Fire campaign to be your next Commander In Chief! He wants to cut and paste the Constitution like a drunk Martha Stewart making valentines! He sure don't want you to get an abortion! What will he do with all the unwanted children? Maybe he'll eat them!

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