Tuesday, February 19, 2008

History Lesson time again!!!

Okay kids, it’s that time again! You may want to take notes.

Born today in 1473, Copernicus was a great astronomer who told us the earth revolved around the sun. Of course today we know the earth revolves around Cliff and Kendall.

Skipping ahead to 1878, Thomas Edison did us all proud by patenting the phonograph. Originally thought of as a tool for office dictation, someone had the bright idea of putting music on the thing and thus the precursor to the modern mp3 was born.

A few years later in 1906 a man woke up hungry, poured some milk over some dried up old flakes of corn and then went out and founded the Kellogg’s breakfast cereal company.

In 1940, the soul singer/weepy clown Smokey Robinson was born. When the doctor was asked why he couldn’t put the newborn in a crib like all the other infants, he replied “He’s really got a hold on me.”

And finally, in 1951, February 19th saw the death of Andre Gide. Gide was a noted French author and Nobel laureate who would later be quoted on an episode of “Cliff and Kendall: Coast to Coast.” You may remember “It is better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for what you are not.”

Another favorite Gide quotation: “Everything has been said before, but since nobody listens we have to keep going back and beginning all over again.”

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