Friday, January 11, 2008


So this summer I went to LA and visited Kendall for a week. On this trip I was introduced to pinkberry. Pinkberry, if you don't know, is a yogurt(like) frozen dessert topped with, uh, toppings. Most of the toppings are fruits, but you can also get crushed up Oreos, carob chips, or even Cap'n Crunch.

I don't want to make this sound better than it is (its not like Paula Deen's banana pudding) but it is actually very good. It was so good that I made Kendall take me there maybe 4 or 5 times over the 8 days I was there.

And now pinkberry is expanding (I guess) because they have lit upon the concrete shores of Manhattan. Most locations in New York and downtown in the hipper areas of the city. One location just happens to be about 4 blocks from my office. You can head over to our food blog to see just how many times I've been there since I discovered its existence last night, and to keep track of how many times I visit in the future.

Yeah, that's it.

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