Thursday, January 3, 2008

New episode coming soon!

Hey everyone,

We just wanted to drop a line that we started a new episode last night! This week's show is all about wrapping up 2007 in a neat little package. What are your fondest memories of the past year? Are you like us and have very few memories at all?

Make sure to tune in later this week when the podcast is released and relive all the glory of the past year.

Now that 2007 is in year heaven, we must move on to that futuristic sounding year 2008! Its so round and pretty. What will happen? Will this be the year we finally make contact with extra terrestrials? Will Cliff and Kendall win some sort of podcast award? Do they even give out podcast awards? Will Cliff and Kendall have to create podcast awards just so they can bestow one upon themselves?

Imagine the possibilities.

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