Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Media Minute (Blog version)

Joining the ranks of some of our southern cousins, John Edwards and Rudy G. have dropped out of the race for the white house. We know that you are probably waiting to decide who to vote for until you hear whom Cliff and Kendall have thrown their (considerable) weight behind. But, have no fear our official podcaster endorsement will be forthcoming.

Montel Williams is ceasing production at the end of this season!! This is leaving a gaping hole in the programming of many local affiliates. Sure, they could find some other fame-hungry judge to fill the timeslot, but we have another idea.

Oh wait, maybe Marie Osmond will take his place. She's apparently getting her own talk show next season. Was no one else paying attention in the late 90's? She and Donnie had a show for about two years after Rosie became popular and everyone without something to do got their own show. We did enjoy the headline for the AOL story though: 'Dancing' Loser Gets a Talk Show'. No Mormon propaganda!

Remember when Kendall broke the WEIRD story of the pot vending machines? Well, it's true!! Hopefully they'll be next to regular vending machines. For convenience.

They're getting rid of those awful Wendy's commercials with weirdos in red wigs. Yay!! Now can they please bring Dave Thomas back from the dead? They did it with Fred Astaire. Or they could just air this:

That'll get rid of the January blahhhs.

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