Monday, January 7, 2008

dear god, why did you make mondays?

My, how the tables have turned! It was only a few months ago that I would get a call from Kendall as he was driving home from work, and he would ask "so what did you do today?"

I would reply, "well, I woke up around 1:30 and went to the library where I checked out some DVDs and then I watched one of those DVDs and then I laid here in the heat (it was summer in New York without air conditioning) and the I ate some stuff and then you called."

This is because I was unemployed. Horribly, torturously, tediously, terrifyingly unemployed.

Now the roles have been reversed. I have a job (not a career, there's a big difference) and Kendall's at home everyday. He's got a career, but momentarily no job.

It happens. 'It' being 'life' and 'shit.'

But that brings me to now, MONDAY. Typically, this non-career-job I have is the epitome of easy. And today is no different, except for the fact that every 'easy' task I've undertaken has been an ordeal not unlike old whats-his-face pushing that boulder up Mt.-whaddyacallit.

I suppose without Mondays, Fridays wouldn't seem as sweet. That's what Kendall would say. Although I know that when out of work, everyday seems like every other day and Mondays, Fridays, its all the same. I don't miss not working. Not in the least. But sleeping until 2 in the afternoon on a Wednesday, now that gives me a reason to look forward to retirement.

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