Wednesday, December 12, 2007

First Post!

Hello out there in Internetworld! Cliff and Kendall will be beamed directly into your iPods in a matter of days (or hours if you prefer). Yes, no longer will you have to think to yourself "I wish I knew what Cliff and Kendall thought about ________." Because we'll be telling you!

Oh for real yo! If you don't have an iPod- DO NOT PANIC! I assume that podcasts are downloadable to other mp3 players as well. And also- I believe we will have some sort of apparatus set up on this page so you can listen to it streaming from your computer. I'll leave that up to Kendall- he's the technological wizard. (See Book 8, Harry Potter and the Age of Podcasting)

Yes, in a few short days the inaugural podcast will be available to the masses.

masses: (noun) the common people generally;

The first podcast episode is entitled "Pilot" and it is your introduction into the fabled, mythological world of Cliff and Kendall. It contains little known facts about us, widely known facts about us, and EVEN MORE.

And after the first episode, you better hitch your horse to the post out front because that means it's only two weeks until the Cliff and Kendall: Coast to Coast Christmas Spectacular!!!

Okay, okay I don't wanna hype this up too much. I'll just say: Move over This American Life (iTunes' most popular podcast) Cliff and Kendall are coming to town!!!!!!!!

(Did you see how many exclamation points we just used?- Eight: that's how serious we are).

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